Day 6
Well, not a lot of sleep last night, but that's not because of me. It's Lammyjammy, and there's things to do today, so, no sleeping in this morning. There were a few people have a good time last night, so I think they are going to be hurting this morning when I see them.
What a difference a day can make. Ya, it's going to be a beautiful day! I go get my coffee, finish up yesterdays blog and of course the 3 S's. As I go to grab my lid, I find it has a rather funky smell. One of the things my Shoei helmet is good for, is easy liner removal and cleaning, as I've done it before. Really the only thing I wish was, that I noticed it(the smell) last night, so it could dry while I was sleeping and wearing it today.
With some hotel shampoo and the sink, there's no more smelly helmet liner. While I'm at it, I clean my riding gloves as well.
You can almost smell the spring clean. I will, when it's dry, and I put it all back together. Since this is a no helmet State, I can handle riding around sans lid for a day. But it does bring me to the gloves. Since my last pair of hot weather riding gloves disappeared the week before I left ( left them somewhere, or they fell out of my pocket, though I leaning to somewhere in my car, now that I'm thinking about it), I'm going to grab/shop for another pair, before heading over to Scoots O for the swap meet/ride.
Google is you friend (well, most of the time), so I find a place a couple of miles down the street. When I get there I find the place closed, and a note saying closed due to a sick relative. Shit happens, but the other place is on the other side of Allentown, which sounds further than it sounds (20 min ride, but sans helmet). I do pass a couple of scooters heading on the highway, heading over to Gene's, and that was cool.
I find something that works and is reasonably priced. It's an ok store, but rather overpriced to what I pay at home, but beggars can't be choosers. So, not everything is cheaper in the US. Anyway, time to head over to Gene's for the swap meet and ride, and no, I'm not taking the bike on the ride.
Quite a few people are there, and more riding in. I'm in time for brunch, and to be honest, hungry, as breakfast was a coffee and a banana. What was perfect for me was the greens with the accompanying salad's (macaroni, potato, tuna, ham and coleslaw, I think). It's keeping me more or less on my diet. Lot's of pop (it's called soda to some) and lot's of ice cold water. My thanks to Gene and Andrea for putting on the spread and hosting us. I forgot to bring my sunscreen, so I'll be getting a bit of a tan today. Don't worry as I was able to sit under one of the canopies.
I caught up with some people that I hadn't seen yet, and some hurting from yesterday nights drinking. I finally got the chance to congratulate Andy and Jane on their upcoming arrival, and to hear about Euro Lambretta and their trip to Italy. One day I must go. Also I heard about Andy's US border adventure and how he got turned away for bringing parts down for the swap meet.
Well, it's that time for the ride. Many will leave, not all will return. Don't worry, there's a support truck.
Gene's doing his best to get all the scooters going.
And off they go. Now to the funny part. There's only around 10 of us left at the swap meet. So the choice is either hang around till the ride gets back (2 or 3 hours) or grab a nap and get ready for tonight. I've got a blog to update, and also I do some shopping, watch a bit of tv, and catch up on the blog, so there won't be that much to catch up on tomorrow. I gotta do laundry tomorrow (hopefully, so if I can get the blog updated, the more time I have tomorrow. Jane and Andy head over to the Target mall for some shopping. I head back to my hotel.
I have a shower and head out to tonight's venue. But on the way down the bike doesn't quite feel right, and it gets worse as I get closer to the do. So I pull off into a park parking lot to see what's up. As soon as I get off the bike, and look at the rear tire I see it, low air. I roll the bike to find a screw in it, Urggggg. But I did buy one of those fancy plug kits years ago. So time to find it and plug this hole. Guess what, I can't find the plug kit, it must be with the MP3 back in Toronto. At least I have my air pump. So I spent 20 minutes waiting for the pump to put in at least enough air, to get me to the venue. Hopefully I can find someone who will take me to Wallyworld to get a plug kit, which is about the only thing open on a Saturday night.
At least it was easy to find.
Anyway, I make it to the do, I know they had a support driver for the ride, so I tell Gene what's up and can anyone help me. Gene tell's me Micheal (Geno) has all that stuff, and he'll be around shortly.
To make a long story short, Micheal "Geno" shorts me out, and while I'm waiting for him to go over to his shop (which happens to be across the street) and socializing, he plugs the tire without even letting me know and comes over and say's it all done. What a surprise and a big thanks. I fill up the tire and head inside the venue for some much needed dinner. Thanks again "Geno"
Raffle tickets anyone?
Dinner is served, buffet style. Which really works in this type of venue. 2 types of salad for me (still keeping it healthy on the road). Anyway there's a lot's more socializing, then comes to meeting, announcements, etc.
Andrea doing the thanks to everyone speech, which does remind me, too thank everyone who put on this great rally. In case you didn't know, next years Lammyjammy is in Seattle, WA. Andy is saying that he's going, and I do want to go to Seattle on my bike as well, but it's a few years too early for me. So close, yet so far. Also Leslie from Buffalo won the "Peoples Choice" for the "Cat Scooter" after some loud voting by everyone in the room. Congrats!
After the speeches, you get the raffle. So there I am with my green and pink tickets hoping. As far as raffles go, this one was as painless and fast as one could hope for. Unfortunately nothing for me. Now comes to the big prize of the night, the scooter. It's not too be for anyone I know, but I was only 60 tickets away from winning.
A bit more socializing and I'm heading outside for some air. A lot of people are getting ready to leave, and in the Lambretta world that means, "Who's got working head and tail lights" Unfortunately it wasn't just one scoot.
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Just a loose connection in the taillight |
Time to pay it forward, and dig out my toolkit to lend some tools and flashlight out. Who knew that Coleman flashlight I bought a few days ago would come in so handy. There were also a few cranky starters, with at least one person getting their daily workout push starting their lump.
Can you guess which one?
With my problems fixed for now. I head back to my hotel, and with no problems. If I decide to replace the tire, I have to wait till Monday for a shop to open. I'll have to go out and buy a plug kit tomorrow anyway. It's my first flat in 30k miles of riding, so it's not too bad.
Today's mileage, around 100.
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