It's been awhile, but it's time to start up the blog again, I've got a long week off (well, almost 2 weeks) and I'll be heading down to Lammyjammy in Bethlehem, PA. Also with Burwell the week after, I'll be making my way back slowly with maybe a stop in Atlantic City, NJ.
For me, what works, is to start packing at least a week before leaving. It's never about packing the big stuff, it's all about the little things that you forget. Like the 3 bottles of sunscreen I have about the house, earplugs that I've had to buy, etc, but you get the idea.
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Updating the GPS and the Scala. |
About the only thing needed to do on the bike is check the tire pressure and the oil level. I'll be digging out the bike on Sunday night after work. There's nobody at my locker/storage place at 3 am.
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The unorganized mess of me packing for LammyJammy O, I did forget to do a post on Niagara this year, so here are some pics of the ride down with Niall and Chris. |
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The Meetup @ Chris and Vanessa's house |
The "Adjustment, jet plugged stop"
The BBQ stop
I was ok, but over the last few years, BBQing has been lifted, and that's why the review. Next year we'll try somewhere else (any suggestions welcome).
We had a great drive down, the weather was great and driving with Chris and Niall is always enjoyable.
The weather was good, with hardly any rain. The highlight of Saturday night was the "Hot Sauce" drinking contest. Enjoyable to watch, not so if you indulged.
Chris after destroying the second washroom of the stop (The Petro Canada got the first blast, which was just next door). The aftermath of the "Hot Sauce" challenge from the night before. The drive back was faster, and a lot cooler than the drive down. But we missed the rain by a hour.
Thanks to everyone who put on Niagara (Dave, Rich and anyone I've forgotten).
Back to LammyJammy
Monday July 10th, 2017
I'm up early this morning, as who can sleep when a big trip is happening. Well, that's not quite true, I could have used a few more hours. 2 to 1/2 hours later I'm on the road. Sometimes you can't get going. I hit my first traffic jam just the other side of the Airport. Since the radio says it will be 45 minutes, I'm off the 401 and up to the 407. From there, it's cool sailing all the way down to the US border. except in Burlington, where it decided to rain hard for 1 mile, that's it. 20 minutes later, I'm over and off to my US mailbox. Fill up the bike and then the rain starts. So out comes some of the rain gear and I'm off to Rochester, NY.
The rain is really just off and on, and really not all that much. Why? Because I'm wearing the rain gear. I stop off south in Geneseo, NY at McD's for a salad and the free Wi-Fi. I stock up on drinks and snacks and book a motel for the night. Take off the rain gear as it's stopped. I'm back on the highway and guess what, the rain starts up again. Thank god it only lasts a few minutes. Then I'm at the motel and sleeping in Bath, NY.
Miles completed 275 miles
Good night.
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