Well, the cold front has moved through, and it's a lot cooler. It's about 50° outside this morning, with a high in the upper 60°'s. Cloudy, but no rain in sight for the next few days. I've stayed the extra day to hit the Motown museum. Wow, I'm doing my usual drive down to Starbucks on I-94, and it's cold. I'm glad up upgraded to my jeans and polizie sweater.
After a nice coffee and breakfast sandwich, It's time to head into Detroit, and the Motown Museum. One of the things that I'm liking about Detroit, is that traffic isn't too bad, and it never seems that it takes too long to get anywhere. 10 minutes later I arrive at the museum.
One of the pics I downloaded, they had it hanging in the studio.
It's a great tour, and it's a lot bigger than you think it is. Easily an hour tour. But like the Ford Plant tour, no pictures. You're just have to go and see it for yourselves.
Time to do some shopping for supplies and for home. I'm really surprised to find one of my favorite soups.
I tried it once because the "soupman" is the basis for Seinfeld's "Soup Nazi". After you try it, you realize the soup is really good. So for the past couple of years I've stocked up on it when in Buffalo, NY. The last couple of times it hasn't been in stock. 4 container's later, I'm happy.
Time to head back to the motel and relax and watch some tv. My vacation is almost over. Since it's going to be cold tomorrow morning, I'm trying to get ahead of things and pack most of my clothes on the bike. Also I want to go over the bike and check the tire pressures. They are all a wee bit low. I forgot that I needed to replace the 12 volt plug on the air pump. It's easily done in less than 5 minutes. I bought all the parts in Vegas, I just didn't get around to replacing it. 20 minutes later the bike is ready to go.
I'll get an early start tomorrow, first to miss traffic in Detroit and at the border. Plus I want to do the Lake Eire ride. I've done most of it, just not the part around Windsor, ON.
Daily mileage 47 miles - 75 km
Total trip mileage 2500 miles - 4023 km
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