
Saturday, 16 May 2015

Sorry Niagara, but where to go now?

In all reality, I'm not going to make the Niagara Scooter rally. From my memory, that will make it the second, that I've not attended in over 30 years :-(. But I'm on the road doing something that I truly enjoy, even with the odd problems that crop up, which are hopefully behind me ;-).

Today it's the usual, the 3's and pack the bike. I'm even off early. It looks great outside,  but with a weather forecast of thunderstorms starting around 1 pm for St Louis, so I head out. My first stop is the wrong side of St Louis, by the 6 flags amusement park. I briefly think about visiting it, but with the weather, I decide against it. I fill up the bike and a quick lunch at McD's. With the weather still holding, and getting warmer ( hey, where were these temps in the Southwest?). They're now in the low 80°'s, so I do the St Louis bypass, which takes about an hour, compared to the 3 to 4 hours it took to ride through it on Route 66.

A couple of hours down the road, its time for a stop for supplies, and to gas up the bike. For once, I'm having a nice day of riding without any problems. Actually my biggest problem was with all the construction on the Interstate, and the traffic. Overall though the roads have been great, and the ones that weren't, they were working on.

Todays plan was to get a room somewhere around Indianapolis, IN. So when I see the sigh for White Castle,that, and my last time Zone change,  with 4 to 5pm changing in the blink of an eye, I get off.

When I'm on the west coast, I have to go to In-N-Out, when I'm in the mid west, it's White Castle. Two totally different burgers, but both good in their own way. But this time, I make sure to get the small shake. While eating, I book my motel here in beautiful Terra Haute, IN. Hotwire for a brand new Holiday Inn. I check in, get all unpacked and settle in. Then I lose the directTV signal, I look outside and see this.

Glad I booked a room earlier than later down the road.
The winds were blowing at least 50 or 60 mph. I was really wondering if the bike would get blown over. My only saving grace was that I parked it next to a large Dodge pickup which acted as a wind breaker.

This pic was taken after it had calmed down a bit. We even lost power at the motel for a few moments. There was some flooding around, on the streets etc.

The funny part is I just spent $4 at the self serve car wash to clean the bike. It rained on and off over night. Time for bed.

Daily mileage  400 miles - 643 km

Total mileage. 1958 miles - 3249 km

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