
Sunday, 10 May 2015

Back in Las Vegas

After only 4 hours of sleep after work,  the big day has arrived. Well, not quite. I've still have to go down to work for sign up. If I don't go, and chances are, I won't get the best peice of work for those weeks. The sign up went well, and so did the subway/bus trip out to the airport. Only a few people @ the United check in counter, unlike Sunwing, where there were 100's  in line waiting! As I found out, first class upgrades on my connecting flight means no extra baggage charge, yea!

Unfortunately my cheapo rolling luggage bag that I bought in Vegas last year, didn't do so well on the trip to the airport. I had to fix it with some tie down straps for the bike and lots of Air Canada packing tape, hopefully I won't or have not lost much.

I get the full meal deal at the security check. It's getting felt up time for me. It was almost like getting a massage, so I'll leave it at that.

At least the concourse has improved, lots for you too spend money on. It's a light lunch for me, a Montreal smoked meat sandwich and a drink, $24. Gotta love flying out of Toronto.

I'm off to "cattle class", so I end up with some twitty 20 something old kid next to me. He's just a little annoying, so I ended up watching " Birdman". It was okay, but nothing special. 3 odd hours later, were in Denver. Rainy, cloudy and cold. Just like Toronto for the last 3 months.

Plan "B", was to ride back through Denver and the mountains. After looking outside, that plan is dead. So I'll be doing Route 66 as far as St. Louis, anything after that is open.

I've got some layover time, about an hour, which gives you time to do things, but after you do them your flight's boarding. My quest for a bottle of Dr Pepper was successful.

Now onto  first class upgrade time. I just wish I could afford it all the time. Pre boarding, pre take off drinks and Dish TV.
Happy Tross :-))

A great view of Lake Mead and Las Vegas

We land in Vegas on time, and I'm off to pick up what's left of my luggage, actually I saw it being loaded in Denver, it looked OK there ( hopefully it survived).

Wow, those first class stickers worked on my luggage, mine came down the ramp 3rd in line. My luggage looked OK, but we shall see when I open it.

I go to pick up my rental car, they've got 3 people on the counter on a Friday night in Vegas :-(( Way to go Avis.

40 minutes later I get to the counter. Well at least I got a cheap upgrade out of them.

A 5 series BMW. Nice car, now only if I can figure out how to use the extras, which I mostly did the next morning.

I'm off to the motel to check in, unload and hit the pillows. It was a good day, as long as you accept that a travel day is a write off.

Day 2

What can I say. 5 hours of sleep and I'm awake. Unpacked the battery that I shipped down and topped it up, which only took 5 mins. I might as well head over to the locker, since I'm up, with stopping at a Starbucks for a coffee.

Of course I miss the exit for the locker, but I get there quick enough.

Well that looks positive, my lock is still on

Everything is as I left it, yea!!

I take out the old battery and in with the new. Reset the TPS and turn the key. She start's right up. My worries are all gone now. I load the old battery and crap into the car. Too bad I forgot to bring all my motorcycle gear back to the motel ;-(.

Now for the missing stuff:

My Kevlar Jeans for riding, I should have looked harder at home for them.
My GPS, though, it might still be with the bike somewhere. (Update, it was in the top case)
My leatherman, its either at home or fell out of the luggage.
My hot temp riding boots, I guess they're with my jeans.
Shirts and polos, guess they're with the jeans as well. Back to the outlet store to buy some more clothes.

I head back to the locker to finish putting the bike back together, and it actually goes well. I close down the locker and park the bike until I return the rental car.

So now I'm going over to the outlet mall too buy some jeans for the ride home. To bad they won't do anything to protect me if something happens. It's ends up being a double trip as I need some shirts & polos.

Now over to In-N-OutIn-N-Out, for a cheeseburger and shake, cheap and good.

Since the pinball museum is just down the street, I head down there as well. Its always good to get a pinball fix.

In the PC world of today, someone would be offended by this machine, right, flower child ;-)

Its been a good rental car, but time to return the really nice rental and pick up the bike. There's a Taxi stand at the car rental place, so no waiting. $15 later I'm out @ my bike and on the road. A quick stop at Wallymart to fill up the tires. The great guy there actually filled them up for me as I rolled the bike for access to the tire valves. Then I'm back to the motel for some packing the bike, update the blog and some well earned sleep for a long day tomorrow.

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