Day 11
Having had the best sleep ever, and sleeping in, it's time to watch the sun rise, and get ready. As usual
I finished yesterdays blog. I do the 3 s's, and decide to clean the liner of my daily helmet.
All washed, using the same shampoo I use on my hair. It wasn't too bad. Since I'll be using the
1/2 lid for the day, giving the liner, time to dry until tomorrow. Also, it seems last night, I lost one of
my half gloves. Since these are my main riding gloves in warm weather, I'll have to make a stop in
town, and buy another pair. Also, another trip to the $ store to buy some more supplies. Then I'm off
to Virginia City. This is the old west at it's finest. But first I have to get over the pass.
10 km of the windiest up and down pass that I have ever driven. Lot's of turnouts for us that are
slower that the locals. I finally make it over and into Virginia City. After a couple of passes I find a
parking space and explore.
Start at one end, and walk down to the other.
This would be a fun place to spend the night in, after all the tourists have gone home.
Well, I went to 2 of the 4.
The oldest looking post office I've ever seen.
As with most late 1800 towns and cities, there was a great fire.
Gotta put that gold somewhere.
Now that I'm back in Reno, I wish I actually went on the mine tour.
Lot's of guns.
Lots of Saloon's
Sounds like this man can make a drink!
I'm guessing they were trying to capitalize on the Bonanza TV series.
The Ponderosa Ranch is around here somewhere.
Let's see how good your eye's are reading the above.
Millions where made, and millions were lost (Billions, in our dollars today)
Everyone has to start somewhere, and this is where Mark Twain started.
The 100 mile view, that little hump in the middle is Sugar loaf Mountain. It was a landmark letting
people from far away, let them know they were almost at Virginia City.
It's lunch time. so I got a bowl of Mac & Cheese and Chili. It was good without being hot.
A man in a kilt walking his pig, enough said..
I took the short train tour, on weekends it brings tourists up from Carson City. Today it takes you
down to the town of Gold Hill. Gold Hill is where the gold rush started.
A poor old trestle being held together by who knows what.
The rail yard where they service the engine and cars. A all volunteer group. so the money made by
riding goes into the up keeping and serving of the cars.
I thought we already passed that old trestle?
Nice to see they've kept that old water tower.
It's just beautiful out here, and the air smells so fresh. Actually the tree's give off the great fresh scent.
Mine trailings, they are all over the place here.
Enjoying the ride!
A great tour guide and very informative.
This mine made a lot of money.
We pull back into town and were are done. The tour takes about a 1/2 hour and I recommend it.
Well, it's time to go, as I want to spend some time in Reno.
In Carson City on the way to Reno I stopped at 7/11, and saw this monstrosity. I wonder who I could
get to drink a can. Niall, are you about?
Next to 7/11 they have a Pawn shop, MP40 anyone? $585 and it's yours!
Nevadans sure love their guns, and I'm a bit jealous.
I've been meaning to replace my old grip tape with some new. Grip tape you ask? The original grips
are wearing, and vibrate a lot. They are heated and a real pain in the ass to replace and are not cheap.
So tennis racket grip tape works great, is cheap, like $5, for both sides cheap. It lasts for a few years
at least, and can be found at most sports stores.
Off with the old.
The old tape wearing through.
All done, she'll be good for a couple of years more and it only takes 20 minutes to do (that includes
going into the store and buying it)
Damm bike fell over with me on it in the parking garage. The bike is designed to fall over, so no
problem except for a scrape on the windshield, and a slight bump on my elbow. I gotta make sure that
side stand is all the way down. That and I went the wrong way on a one way street.
The worst one was I bet $20 on black on a roulette machine. It hit black but wouldn't pay me.
.It said call attendant. I did, and all he did was give me my money back,
I should have taken the hint, I didn't win anything today. Though I picked up a G-Shock and
a Google router for good deals.
Still one of my favorite casinos. It still has a lot of that 70's charm that is lacking everywhere
The backwards, I was at Circus, Circus picture.
They do a Circus act every hour or so.
$1800 to start, only if I win big!!
The casino cheapo Steak and Lobster, the lobster was good, the steak, well I did say cheapo.
The poor Horseshoe, to only be here 30 years ago.
Ian, these have your name on them.
What a great looking machine!
First time I've seen one of these live. The hotel uses it for their valet's to get quickly from one
floor to another. That's about it for me today. I'm off to bed and tomorrow I'll update the mileage.
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