
Monday, 16 September 2019

Down the coast

Day 13

I'm giving Starbucks triple shot a go this morning. I guess I'm going to stick with the double shot

next time. It doesn't taste as good, and it doesn't seem too make too much of a difference (getting me

awake wise, that is).

You buy that bottle of pop, and put it in the freezer to cool down fast, then forget about it, and fall


They said, they serve breakfast,  but it's not very impressive. I'll head to Starbucks for coffee and egg

bites.  The most important reason to go to Starbucks, is to sort out my Google Photo's problems.

                                    Already to go! Ever forget to check out, that was me today.

The first thing, I'm having problems with Google Photo's. So, no pictures, no blog. Today I'm up 

really early, as I want to miss the traffic between San Jose and Monterey. The last time I was here,

I got caught up in it, and it was not pleasant. It was so bad, I had to lane split. Something I hate 

doing. Anyway I'm on the road at 6:15 am and head south. The daylight soon appears, only a 1/2

hour into my short hop, to Monterey and Starbucks. My old nemesis, the fog returns. It's also chilly 

enough, and moist from the fog as well, that I use both my grip and seat heater. Really, no traffic to

speak of, and I make it down fast. Coffee always seems to be better, when your a little cold and wet.

I'm still having the same problem at Starbucks, but since I know that Starbucks internet works well,

it's a problem with the app. Which I delete and reinstall. Problem solved, now, I just have to wait

until Google backs up everything again. After a nice coffee and egg bites, I head down to Cannery

Row. Well, you know me, I'm expecting something out of the movie, "Cannery Row". There are

hint's of the old canneries, but now it's a tourist attraction.

                               Well, there's one good thing about being early, no tourists

It was nice, but time to go and head south on what is the best stretch of the PCH between San

Francisco and LA.

Me, making sure I fill up before leaving Carmel, There really isn't much gas south of here. The few

gas stations in between  Carmel and San Luis Obispo charge rather high prices, as big tankers can't

make it down the tight windy roads of the Pacific Coast Highway.

          Still foggy, but not as much as yesterday. It's not that warm either, it's around 65 degrees.

                           The one advantage of riding on a Sunday morning, not a lot of traffic.

          I've hours and hours of this to look forward to, and I'm saying that in a very positive way.

                             The Pacific Ocean is down there under the fog, somewhere.

                      A nice little house tucked in there. I could think of worse places to live.

                                               I guess the camera focused on the plants.

                                                                      Clouds, sky, fog.

Me, taking a break at the side of the road. You can hear and almost see the waves crashing on the

rocks. You are 600 ft above sea level. For a lot of the drive, there is nothing between you and the

ocean. If your afraid of heights, do the trip northbound (cliff side).

                 Lots of turnouts, some paved, some not, for you to stop or let faster traffic pass.

The fog comes in bands, sometimes it's there, sometimes not. Nothing too thick to worry about riding


Some bits are windy, some bits are straight, sometimes you go up, sometimes you go down.  Once

you get in the grove, it's a enjoyable ride, that can be done in anywhere from 4 to 8 hours.

Depending on where you stop and what you see. For me, the funny thing was, on how all those

memories from my last trip came back. A truly enjoyable ride, even though the weather was not as

nice as the last time I came, it made for a different experience. Since the last time I was here, they've

had some major landslides. The PCH on this stretch was closed for a few years. These area's are not

hard to miss. They spent a lot of time and money fixing and improving these sections. There was

even one part where it was down to one lane. There were others where you could see, that just

maybe, there could be another landslide.

As I get closer to Hurst Castle, there is a viewing platform, to see a colony of sea lions. I actually saw

some other colonies, on other beaches, but this is a stop, made to view them properly and safely.

                             Yea, that's a sea lion. Actually, there are 2 playing together.

                             The same two playing some more, you gotta trust me on this.

                                                        Viewing from the platform.

                                   The one thing that you learn is, that sea lions, sleep a lot.

      The wind was blowing the other way this time. Otherwise, you learn that sea lions smell fishy.

3 of the younger seals playing. A little father out, you can see some feeding as well. That's probably

why they like that beach. But you can only look at sleeping sea lions so long, so on the Hurst Castle,

which is just down the road.

All you need to know in the link below.

Hurst Castle

I've been here before. Each tour is $25 and lasts around 60 minutes. So with a tour and the movie,

you will spend at least 2 or 3 hours here. I've seen the movie, and to be honest, I didn't really have

the time to watch it again anyway. I was able to get on the next tour for the 1 pm upstairs tour. Last

time I was here, I did the main floor.

I did have time for lunch, so I got some fries, too many in fact.

So, the crows were happy, as I fed at least half to them. 1 pm comes, and I'm on the bus for that long

climb up to Hurst Castle. It's 1800 odd feet up. So the drive takes 10 to 15 minutes.

               The view from the bus on the ride up. Still some of that pesky fog still hanging about.

The chicken coop. Because it was, back then, out in the middle of nowhere. Most of the food was

grown on the estate. From cattle to chickens, to fruits and vegies, they farmed it all.

                                                             Getting higher and higher.

             We made it. The tour group is only 14 people, which makes for a great interactive tour.

Your high enough, and far enough from the ocean for the pool to look really good. It's warm out.

                        Finished and non finished. Hurst kept adding to the Castle until he died.

                                    From here on, your going to see lots of guest bedrooms.

                                                            I really like this lamp.

                                                                    More guest bedrooms.

                                   The best part (I feel) of being a guest, is the great views.

                                                             The clouds, and the ocean.

                  There are 2 elevators in the castle, I have no idea where the second one is?

                                                                 The main library.

An ancient drinking game cup. You can't put it down, as it will spill, and if you don't drink it fast

enough, the drink will come out of the cups nose. Sounds like fun! If I was younger.

Stairs, stairs and more stairs. Well I did get my cardio in for today. All of the Castle is built in this

way, reinforced concrete.

                                                                 William Hurst's closet

                                                                       His bathroom

                                                                    His bedroom

                        Williams Hurst personal Library. No going in, unless you were invited.

                                                                 A hole in the wall

                                                         Nothing in the hole in the wall

                                          I guess you needed to keep somethings safe.

                                                                  Panoramic views.

             All the effort on building the Castle way up here, makes it worth it, just for the view.

                                                             The long drive down.

                                                                        His private zoo

                                           A free heard of mountain goats, just laying around.

Back at the bike and getting ready to go. I spent 3 hours at the Castle and that's only for one tour. So

if your in the area, stop on by, it's worth it. Motel reservations are booked, Ill be spending the night

in Santa Maria.

                  The drive down from Hurst Castle is straight and easy, Not a lot of traffic.

All checked in and a trip down to the grocery store for some dinner (Ramen and rice). I do a bit of

work on the blog and since it's Sunday, I download a new episode of Pennyworth. Then of course,

to bed early.

I forgot today's mileage, so I'm adding it a day later.

Today's mileage 285 miles or 459 km

Total for trip 4317 miles or 6947 km

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