
Friday, 1 November 2019

Yuma to Tucson

Day 4

I wake up and do the usual, the 3 S's and update the blog. On the news yesterday was

a wind warning. I go outside, which of course, I lock my self out. I grab another key and

let my self back in. The wind is there, but it does look like it's actually going my way,

but we shall see. Oil level is good, but the back tire needs some air, which is easily done.

                                                 You can see the wind in those palm trees.

Me charging up things and a quantity motel breakfast, Ok coffee, and dipped donuts. Sunrise

is at 7 am and I'm on the road at 8 am. The temps are around 60 degrees but as I keep

forgetting, once outside of town it drops 10 degrees. So the lowest it drops down to is

52 degrees. As long as I have the windbreaker on, and my Kevlar jeans, I'm warm enough.

though I do use the heated grips.

Traffic is ok, and thank god the wind is more or less

at my back. At the first mountain pass outside of Tucson, I hit one of those Border Patrol 

checks, they wave me through, but they had someone pulled over, and the drug dog ready. 

Looks like someone might be having a bad day. Once over the pass the wind starts to die 

down. Which is nice. The bike seems to be having a MPG (mileage per gallon) problem.

Which I take notice of. At the beginning of the trip the bike was getting over 40 MPG. Now

it's down to 30 MPG. These's bikes are known for bad O2 sensors, and it looks like my 

time has come. The front tire needs to be replaced anyway, So while in Tucson, AZ, I'll

have both done, as I'll be spending a few days there doing a few different tours. A gas stop

about 1/2 way, and I find the back tire pressure a little high, so I let some out. OK, maybe I

overfilled it a bit this morning. I was planning on going to Tombstone, AZ, but I change

that to after Tucson and head to the dealer. He fits me in and changes the tire. but has to 

order in the O2 sensor. So I'll be back there on Friday for the install.

Nice and new Battleaxe.

I do get in my I-N-out burger though.

After that a quick trip

to Walmart local grocery store, which is Walmart grocery's without anything else. I'm by the

Airport, so choices are non existent. I'm feeling like pizza, so being by the airport it's going

to be Pizza slut. It's been 5 or 10 years since I've had one. I gotta admit, it's as good as I 

remember. Then some TV and to sleep.

Today's mileage 219 miles or 352 km

Total  for this part of the trip 560 miles or 901 km

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